Micromechatronics, Inc. (MMech)

www.mmech.com - Ph: 814-861-5688

What's GiD
GiD Plus


Advanced visualisation tools

All the widely used types of visualization for the numerical results coming from simulations are present in GiD, such as contour fill and contour lines, vector plots, isosurfaces, beam diagrams, stream lines and ribbons, surface extrusions, deformations, etc.. Each visualization type has several options such as showing the contour fill of a result over an isosurface of another result.

GiD also offers the possibility of visualizing the results on several meshes for adaptive solutions, combining different visualization styles and results, and creation of animated sequences.



All the typical graph types can be done in GiD, like point evolution, which shows the evolution of a result of a point across all time steps of an analysis, line graph, boundary graph and point analysis, in which a result can be plotted against another one for a point and, optionally, for all time steps. Both coordynate systems are supported: cartesian and polar. Graphs can also be exported in ascii format.

Big meshes handling

The advanced visualization algorithms used, combined with the efficient manner of managing the data gives GiD the capability of visualizing large models with a large amount of results in a fast and user-friendly way.


Planar or spherical cuts can be done in the model to visualize the inner parts of the model. If the model is deformed, then these cuts are also deformed.

Import / Export

GiD can read simulation result files for postprocessing written in several formats, such as TECPLOT, FEMAP. If the solver linked to GiD cannot write the results in any of the supported formats, a library called GiDpost is provided (at no additional cost)to help the developers in the adaptations task. Meshes can also be exported in STL format.

More Information

101 Innovation Blvd. Suite 308
State College, PA 16803, USA
Ph: (814)-861-5688